London Diaries: Progression

I promised that I would update my blog on a regular basis while I'm overseas. But I'm worried that as the semester progresses I will have less and less time to do it. This is a shame because I feel like I could write a blog every day on what I learn in class. No matter how tired I am, my brain isn't idle for a second while I'm at school. Everything is new to me, everything is important, and everything is interesting as hell.

I'm back at Drink Me Eat Me on my first day off from school. But my brain is teeming with new knowledge; I couldn't relax if I tried. I've been given my first scene to work on for class and I've also taken on the task of writing a poem for a poetry competition at school. This is, after all, the year of putting myself out there. I'm having to tap into my own creativity which I feel has been lying dormant in many ways since I started studying classical music. Shakespeare and classical music are alike in many ways, in that there is a right way to do it and a wrong way, and I am learning those restrictions right now. But now, I'm in control of the progress I make. If I read and recite and practice and move all the time then I will experience more about acting and about theatre every day. And I don't have to wait for my body or my voice to catch up, like I do in singing. I've always been great at shaping a musical phrase or acting a great scene but my technique was always holding me back so that I couldn't develop as quickly as I wanted to into a master. I think I will improve faster at acting.

Acting also requires a lot of life experience so that you can tap into emotional states more easily. That is why putting yourself out there is so important. If you stay cooped up in your room all the time, opportunities to learn and grow will pass you by. I am determined more than ever to live my life. I shan't wait for life to simply give me things as if I've earned them. 


  1. Yay! Glad you're getting so much out of the program and the life in London. Nice to hear about it, too! Xo

  2. Great post, hon! Keep 'em coming.



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