The nerdess dresses

Esoteric shirts are the best. This is my timey-wimey detector shirt. 

Like most nerds I spend a lot of time trolling the internet for fan gear. I'm a huge fan of nerd apparel. To date I have 4 Doctor Who shirts and a Star Wars shirt. That might not seem like a lot to a real nerd, but to me it's pretty decent, considering I acquired them all in the last year. Oh wait, I have 5 Doctor Who shirts.... Anyway.

Hard core nerds buy things that they don't need or use just because it's from their favourite show/franchise. For example, 10 or 15 action figures of Han Solo, each one in a different outfit, and at least 3 of him encased in carbonite. I'm a medium nerd, which means that I buy things related to my favourite franchise that are mostly useful and then a couple things that I probably won't use. For example, I have a TARDIS tea pot which I use every day, and I also have a sonic screwdriver which I use never.

This is one rare post that draws a parallel between my two loves. I spend A LOT of time and money thinking about and buying apparel for concerts. I love big poofy gowns and the kind of jewellery you can see from space. My favourite thing is to dress up. Whether it's showing my love of sparkly things or showing off my love of Who, I commit to the cause (Etsy is the bane of my wallet's existence).

So, since looking good is part of my job, I can't help but want to look good while I'm wearing my nerd gear. In case you hadn't noticed, it's not the 80s anymore. Nerds are in. And if you've got the gear, flaunt it! With style.


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