
Freedom of expression.

What does that mean to you?

I'll tell you what it means to me.

All artistic decisions are made by me. I choose how I express myself.

I choose the notes I sing. I pick the story I want to tell.

I also decide when I've done a good job and when I've done a shitty one (or shithouse, as my bf would say).

I've been conditioned to hold myself to a high standard. I cannot write, nor sing, nor act without this standard; It is a condition of my performance.

Even when I'm alone at home, I cringe when a note leaves my mouth under pitch.

I want to be good. I want to impress. I want to create something that pleases me, because only then could it possibly please others. Isn't that right?

Equally, will I stand by and watch a close friend make an inferior latte for themselves when I know that six years as a barista has taught me how to make them a great one? Hell no!

I make good lattes because I can. They may not have a swan on them, but they'll warm your innards.

I've never been more free because I can choose to be great.


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