I'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour

Man has always been searching for the meaning of life. Through poetry, stories, plays, movies, man has been contemplating his existence and trying to piece together a puzzle for which he doesn't even have all the pieces. The universe is so huge and vast and is expanding every day. We cannot fathom its size; how could we possibly fathom its meaning? The fact of the matter is, we're here. So let's make the most of it.

When we think of the most important parts of life we look towards our family and our friends. Someone who has a "perfect" life would have a good family, friends, a lover, children, a job, a house, a dog etc. That's a lot of things. I meet lots of people who are without 3 or 4 of those things at one time. Ok my dad has all those things, but it took 50 years to get. As you go through life, you acquire things, but you also lose them. Family members get sick, lovers leave, children move away, jobs get lost, houses lose value, dogs die. But new family members get born, new crushes made, new passions sought, new properties purchases, new kittens welcomed. Through all the changes of life there is really only one constant: friends.

No matter what I've gone through in my life, be it the death of a family member, the loss of a relationship, the change to a new school or a new job I have ALWAYS been able to count on the fact that I will have a friend there. The beauty of friendship is that it is always in motion, constantly changing and evolving depending on our life's circumstances, unlike relationships or jobs which can crack under pressure. When you're in the a real friendship, you are yourself and if you need to evolve or move on then that friendship will act accordingly. I've had many friendships end simply because we needed to move on to new adventures. No feelings were hurt, no drama was invoked. We drifted apart. Can the same be said for jobs? Family members? Lovers?

The people that most get me through my work days are the friends I've made at my job. If I hated all my co-workers then I would just straight-up find another job. When something goes wrong at school, who do I call? Friends. When I'm having a disagreement with my family (over which vodka to buy), I call my friends for council. And when I need to make a major life change and move my ass all the way to England because I don't feel fulfilled in Montreal, my friends are on board cheering for me the whole way, even though they know how devastating change can be.

Friendships are made to weather change. Where that wind howls, friendships do not cower or hide; they screw themselves to the sticking place and await bravely the all-clear. I would not be where I am today had I not had the magnificent friends I did along the way. Each one has helped to shape me into the person that I am today and I am thankful for every single one of them. What makes my new adventure that much more exciting is that I get to make more.


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