Music of Who: Bye-bye Mattie, Hello Capaldi!

Matt Smith is my Doctor. As much as I love David Tennant, there's just something about Eleven that I can't get enough of. Lots of people think that Matt is not as great, but if you're saying that, then you're not looking hard enough. If you scratch the surface of his performance you can see layers and layers of emotion. He doesn't just put it on a silver platter and offer it; he invites you to come a little closer.

Yesterday we said goodbye to Matt. Not gonna lie, there were some tears. But I'm so excited for Peter Capaldi to take over the reigns. And his first scene was definitely a delectable little morceau of things to come.

I wrote in one of my Music of Who posts about how I love Eleven's music. Since that post I've been further researching it (yes, that means watching the show). David Tennant's Doctor has his own theme too which seems to be separate from the one mostly attributed to Eccelston's. We hear it in Tennant's first scene of the 50th Anniversary Special when he's having a picnic with Elizabeth I. And Nine's theme returns with John Hurt's Doctor during a scene with Billie Piper. So many feels!

Another I've discovered is Matt's theme which on the Doctor Who soundtrack is called "Sad Man with a Box" (see the video above). It's played mostly during times when, as the name suggests, the Doctor is having a sad or lonely moment. It was definitely heard during Matt's last episode, as was Amy's theme when he reminisces about her, as was Clara's, and then... what?? NEW MUSIC FOR CAPALDI.

Just as I predicted, Gold wrote new music for Number Twelve. I hadn't expected it so soon so it was a wonderful surprise when the music began the instant we see the Doctor's new face. This music, much like Matt's, is likely not his theme, but rather his, let's call it "adventure music". I have no doubt we'll be hearing some kind of soulful lamenting melodious theme for Twelve in series 8.


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