Who Let The Nerds Out?
We nerds are awesome. And we know how to throw a party. This year, my friends and I basically had Halloween in February when I invited everyone to wear any costumes they might wear to comiccon (superheroes, Star Trek, LOTR, etc.) and I prepared some nerd delicacies.

Me in my River Song costume and my partner in crime Michelle as a weeping angel. She was scary as hell.
Some nerd food we had at the party:
Fishsticks and custard
Bow tie pasta salad (bow ties are cool)
"Spaceballs" dill-covered cheese balls
"Aspic" of the demon (a SUPER esoteric Buffy reference. If you get it, you're a champ)
At Beer Trek one night, Michelle made a gingerbread Borg ship. Next Christmas our plan is to make a gingerbread TARDIS.
At about midnight we unleashed the pièce de résistance: The Death Star Piñata. This was pretty much the worst-looking Death Star ever, but it DID take me 3 days to make. In this video you can also see everyone's costumes. You've got River Song (me), Superman, female Luke Skywalker, Hipster Leia, Storm, and Harry Potter among others.
Here's a picture of Bridget as Amy Pond standing in front of the TARDIS (aka the bathroom).

As a conclusion to this silly post is my very own Doctor Who Drinking Game. It's very comprehensive and it's super long. But if you've ever played Beer Trek, you know how it is. As it is with Beer Trek, you can also make rules for individual episodes, such as, "drink every time you hear "the sound of drums" in Utopia".
When "it's bigger on the inside" (2 drinks when "it's smaller on the outside")
When the sonic is used (2 drinks when the sonic doesn't work)
When the psychic paper is used
When the TARDIS lands in the wrong place or time
When the whole world is in danger (2 drinks when the whole universe is in danger)
When there's a crack in the universe
When we see or hear the words "Bad Wolf"

Me in my River Song costume and my partner in crime Michelle as a weeping angel. She was scary as hell.
Some nerd food we had at the party:
Fishsticks and custard
Bow tie pasta salad (bow ties are cool)
"Spaceballs" dill-covered cheese balls
"Aspic" of the demon (a SUPER esoteric Buffy reference. If you get it, you're a champ)
At Beer Trek one night, Michelle made a gingerbread Borg ship. Next Christmas our plan is to make a gingerbread TARDIS.
At about midnight we unleashed the pièce de résistance: The Death Star Piñata. This was pretty much the worst-looking Death Star ever, but it DID take me 3 days to make. In this video you can also see everyone's costumes. You've got River Song (me), Superman, female Luke Skywalker, Hipster Leia, Storm, and Harry Potter among others.
Here's a picture of Bridget as Amy Pond standing in front of the TARDIS (aka the bathroom).

As a conclusion to this silly post is my very own Doctor Who Drinking Game. It's very comprehensive and it's super long. But if you've ever played Beer Trek, you know how it is. As it is with Beer Trek, you can also make rules for individual episodes, such as, "drink every time you hear "the sound of drums" in Utopia".
When "it's bigger on the inside" (2 drinks when "it's smaller on the outside")
When the sonic is used (2 drinks when the sonic doesn't work)
When the psychic paper is used
When the TARDIS lands in the wrong place or time
When the whole world is in danger (2 drinks when the whole universe is in danger)
When there's a crack in the universe
When we see or hear the words "Bad Wolf"
When Torchwood is mentioned
When they talk about "the darkness"
When the title of the episode is mentioned
When a famous person of the past references themselves
When someone says "Doctor Who" like a douche
When we actually see the vortex
When someone uses a vortex manipulator
For self-referential Who
When they're standing so close that it looks like they're gonna kiss
When there's a perception filter
2 drinks:
When the Doctor (or another Timelord) regenerates
When they can't use the TARDIS because they're part of the timeline
When the Doctor kisses his companion
When he says "timey wimey" or variations thereupon
When the Doctor flips out trying to figure something out at the 11th hour
When we see "the fury of a Timelord"
When a paradox is discussed (3 drinks when a paradox occurs)
When someone jumps dimensions
When he gives someone a TARDIS key
When the Doctor introduces himself
When the Doctor says his catch phrase (fantastic, brilliant, cool, geronimo)
--When 10 says "Well…", "Ha!" or plays with his hair
--When 10 puts on his glasses
--When 11 straightens his bow tie
When the Doctor says "run" (2 drinks when someone else says "run")
When the Doctor takes someone's hand
When a companion is told not to wander off and they do anyway
When someone hits on the Doctor (2 drinks when the Doctor hits on someone)
When the Doctor licks/tastes/smells something to determine its origin or does a Timelordy thing like read really fast.
When the Doctor gets slapped
When the Doctor thinks the creature they're fighting is beautiful or he gets excited by disaster
When the doctor doesn't get it
When the Angels move without us seeing them (2 drinks when we actually see them move; When the Angels take someone)
When the Cybermen say "assimilate" or "delete"
When the Daleks say "exterminate" or "explain"
When the Sontarans say something overtly hostile
When she cares too much for someone she just met
When she inspires the Doctor to be more human
When she dismisses/strings along Mickey
When she makes googly eyes at the Doctor
When Jack hits on someone
Every time Jack dies
Every time Jack is a rockstar/action man (3 drinks every time Rory or Mickey is action man)
When she enlists her doctor skills
When she makes googly eyes at the Doctor
When she's jealous of Rose (2 drinks when Rose is jealous of Martha)
When she cares too much for someone she just met
When she calls the Doctor "Spaceman" or "Martian"
When she's snappy with someone
When she and the Doctor are mistaken for a couple
When she does something "Scottish" or is described as being Scottish
When she does the squinty-eye thing
When we see little Amelia
When she implies that the Doctor's bow tie isn't cool
When the Doctor calls her "Pond"
When she calls the Doctor "Raggedy man"
When he dies
When he uses his nursing skills
When he's a big chicken
When his nose is made fun of
2 drinks when he tells the Doctor off
When she knows more than the Doctor
When she calls him "sweetie"
When she says "spoilers"
When we see her diary
When she says "run you clever boy. And remember"
Other characters:
When the Doctor Calls Mickey "Ricky"
When Mickey acts like a huge wimp or screams like a girl
When Harriet Jones introduces herself
When Jackie talks about her love life
When the title of the episode is mentioned
When a famous person of the past references themselves
When someone says "Doctor Who" like a douche
When we actually see the vortex
When someone uses a vortex manipulator
For self-referential Who
When they're standing so close that it looks like they're gonna kiss
When there's a perception filter
2 drinks:
When the Doctor (or another Timelord) regenerates
When they can't use the TARDIS because they're part of the timeline
When the Doctor kisses his companion
When he says "timey wimey" or variations thereupon
When the Doctor flips out trying to figure something out at the 11th hour
When we see "the fury of a Timelord"
When a paradox is discussed (3 drinks when a paradox occurs)
When someone jumps dimensions
When he gives someone a TARDIS key
When the Doctor introduces himself
When the Doctor says his catch phrase (fantastic, brilliant, cool, geronimo)
--When 10 says "Well…", "Ha!" or plays with his hair
--When 10 puts on his glasses
--When 11 straightens his bow tie
When the Doctor says "run" (2 drinks when someone else says "run")
When the Doctor takes someone's hand
When a companion is told not to wander off and they do anyway
When someone hits on the Doctor (2 drinks when the Doctor hits on someone)
When the Doctor licks/tastes/smells something to determine its origin or does a Timelordy thing like read really fast.
When the Doctor gets slapped
When the Doctor thinks the creature they're fighting is beautiful or he gets excited by disaster
When the doctor doesn't get it
When the Angels move without us seeing them (2 drinks when we actually see them move; When the Angels take someone)
When the Cybermen say "assimilate" or "delete"
When the Daleks say "exterminate" or "explain"
When the Sontarans say something overtly hostile
When she cares too much for someone she just met
When she inspires the Doctor to be more human
When she dismisses/strings along Mickey
When she makes googly eyes at the Doctor
When Jack hits on someone
Every time Jack dies
Every time Jack is a rockstar/action man (3 drinks every time Rory or Mickey is action man)
When she enlists her doctor skills
When she makes googly eyes at the Doctor
When she's jealous of Rose (2 drinks when Rose is jealous of Martha)
When she cares too much for someone she just met
When she calls the Doctor "Spaceman" or "Martian"
When she's snappy with someone
When she and the Doctor are mistaken for a couple
When she does something "Scottish" or is described as being Scottish
When she does the squinty-eye thing
When we see little Amelia
When she implies that the Doctor's bow tie isn't cool
When the Doctor calls her "Pond"
When she calls the Doctor "Raggedy man"
When he dies
When he uses his nursing skills
When he's a big chicken
When his nose is made fun of
2 drinks when he tells the Doctor off
When she knows more than the Doctor
When she calls him "sweetie"
When she says "spoilers"
When we see her diary
When she says "run you clever boy. And remember"
Other characters:
When the Doctor Calls Mickey "Ricky"
When Mickey acts like a huge wimp or screams like a girl
When Harriet Jones introduces herself
When Jackie talks about her love life
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